
SKERRIT v. LINTON: A Compare and Contrast Analysis of Dominican Political Leadership

Honesty, integrity and selflessness are the basic attributes of a good political leader. These qualities can be mapped through careful and responsible analysis of political leadership, when the inquiry is premised on the merits and understanding of politics and how formal political organizations are led or managed.

We understand politics to mean the ongoing interaction among people, and leadership would thus be the harmonization of those interactions. Political parties are largely private entities, which mainly look after the interest of their members and affiliates. Parties also seek to hold public office with the balance authority over policy decision making, with the view to representing the best interest of the masses.

If leaders provide direction to parties and parties play the key role in governing the people, party leadership is crucial. So, leadership is not and should not be confused with gamesmanship or gamespersonship (my gender-appropriate word).

Party leadership is an honorable and time-tested vocation, which has a constant resonance in all things good and decent. The requirement for democratic leadership is even more demanding; as such leaders must lead in the shadows of the forerunners of true democracy and must be wholly driven by team dynamics.

The key to effective political representation and meaningful participation in a democracy at work is to engage all citizens, and the political leader who best embraces this is the more effective leader. How then do we measure a leader’s effectiveness?  Simple: we take away the fluff (variables which compete with the independent variable) and focus on the nitty-gritty – honest and selfless integrity. When the bare qualities required for the effective leadership of healthy democratic political parties are presented, they come without the strategic showmanship or ‘showpersonship’ (my gender-appropriate word) which can sometimes be mistakenly used to characterize or frame leadership.

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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Alexander 'Pawol' Bruno

Alex is a trained and experienced Media-Communications Specialist. He has spent almost two decades on media in the Caribbean from his Island home, Dominica, The Nature Island of the World. Alex is now based in Florida U.S.A, where he has set up a business outlet "One Caribbean Culture" to focus on issues with relations to Caribbean peoples and how Caribbean cultures interface with others.


  1. What I think would have added another dimension is adding the founding political leaders in the mix of this article. How their present-day successors’ measure to those great personalities who help shape Dominica from its infancy (getting its independence to how it is today).

  2. OKAY!!! So are there only three political leaders in Dominica? Is there such a political party called The Dominica Freedom Party (DFP). Does it have a leader? YES it does. It is Economist, Kent Vital. Did you think he was not worthy to be included in your analysis or this simply a UWP article disguised as an analysis look at DLP and UWP leadership profiles and strategies?

    1. HAHAHA – Freedom is Dead. When was the last time you heard anything? if Mamo was there, then maybe you had a chance at a few seats. But with the lack of Leadership in DFP. It’s impossible to keep the main alive, muchless win a seat.

  3. Pawol, really great Article – this type of discussion and analysis is missing in today’s journalism circles. It’s really in-depth and I think unbias in its final anlysis.

    1. I am sorry that’s not journalism. The article is too long. Filled with desperate nuances and rhetoric. Its really a pathetic attempt to boost the image of the UWP leader. I expected better from Alex – he paints this picture of being fair/balanced and walking the divide – but in reality, he is just another pen piece for a failed UWP.

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