Press Release

Supporting Sylvanie Burton for President: A Castle Bruce Constituency Endeavor

The Castle Bruce Constituency Labour Party Association stands in full support of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skeritt’s nomination of Mrs. Sylvanie Burton as the next president of Dominica.

Mrs. Burton, a strong, ambitious, hardworking, intelligent, and authentic Kalinago woman is certainly the best choice to hold the Office of President in this current dispensation. This forward-thinking decision by Prime Minister Skeritt has not only signaled to every Dominican, and in fact everyone around the world, the love, respect, and high regard that he has for our beloved citizens of the Kalinago Territory; but also shows the significance and importance he places on the contribution of women in Dominica.

For us in the Castle Bruce Constituency, Sylvanie as she is affectionately known is a sister, friend, lay associate, community worker, and confidant. Her many years of service to the people of the Castle Bruce Constituency as the District Development Officer has allowed her to build many trusting and lasting relationships with many.

Her level of professionalism is unmatched, and her assiduous work has brought the realization of several development projects within the Castle Bruce Constituency and the entire East region

As neighbors to the Kalinago Territory, we share in the joy and pride of this great honor bestowed on this honorable KARINA. And we look forward to working with her and supporting her in her continued service at a higher level. Mrs. Burton exhibits the kind of leadership that is guided by knowledge and experience, honesty and humility, empathy and grace. These attributes belong to the highest office on the island – the office of the president.

The Castle Bruce Constituency Labour Party Association thanks the Prime Minister for his insightful decision and we pledge our full support.

This article is copyright © 2023 DOM767

Castle Bruce Constituency Labour Party Association
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