The Courts

Three Dominicans and Two Haitians Bag 6 Months in Prison and $5,000 Fine

Three Dominicans and one Haitian have been sentenced to six months in prison for illegal entry and a $5,000 fine for refusal to declare the property to custom officials. The offenders were sentenced by Judge Michael Laudat of the Roseau magistrate court on Thursday.

Another Haitian who was a joint offender with the accused was sentenced to 12 months in prison for illegal entry and a fine of $15,000 for failure to declare property at the Marigot magistrate court. The five persons have been remanded at the Dominica State Prison pending their bail application.

The five offenders are Dion Phillip Michel, 33; Donnelle Travis Michel, 30; Shirmon Liam Joseph, 29; Jameson Joseph; and Dexter Joseph.

According to State Attorney Sherma Dalrymple, the five offenders were arrested by police officials while patrolling national waters on January 28. The offenders had come into the Caribou Bay around 11pm in a vessel with loads of baggage, and they had fired gunshots when the police beamed their torchlights on them. The police returned the fire and one of the illegal entrants got hit in his tight. The captain of the vessel quickly hit reverse and escaped in his vessel.

The five men were quarantined for 14 days and the wounded person, Jameson Joseph, was taken to the Wesley Health Clinic and later the DCFH for proper treatment. Following their arraignment in court in Roseau, legal representative Wayne Norde pleaded with the court to temper justice with mercy for the offenders since they pleaded guilty to their offenders.

Judge Laudat said he would reduce the sentences applicable to the offenders based on self-recognition and public interest.

“When the court is passing sentence, it must take into account the public’s interest,” he said. “The government cannot prevent its citizens from entering the country especially in a pandemic. So you all could have come on a pwi-pwi once you come legally and declared yourself at a lawful port of entry then you cannot be arrested. I give you all a pat on the back. I want to send a strong message this illegal entry thing will not be accepted in Dominica.”

While the offenders were sentenced to 6 months for illegal entry and $5,000 for failure to declare possession to customs, the offenders will be incarcerated for another 6 months if they fail to pay the fine. The same applies to Dexter Joseph who was sentenced in Marigot – another 12 months in prison if he fails to pay his $15,000 fine.  

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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