
Top Performers at Arthur Waldron Seventh-Day Adventist Academy Receive Recognition

At its termly awards ceremony held on Friday 15th January, 2021, the Principal and staff of Arthur Waldron Seventh-day Adventist Academy recognized the great work of their top performers for the 1st term 2020/2021.

The student of the academic clubs namely – Aspirers (70- 79%), Honours (80-89%), Excellence (90 and above), received certificates, badges, and trophies for their outstanding academic performances. A total of 54 students were named as members of the Aspirer’s club, 38 in the Honours club and 9 in the club of Excellence.

The school is elated to share that 6 of the top ten performers were boys. This is quite a noteworthy achievement in a society where boys are generally marginalized. This indicates that intentional efforts are made to ensure that boys succeed.

Principal Challenger stated: “We are overjoyed at such great academic prowess among our boys.”

The top three performers were;

  1. Ms Shereen Carbon (1st ), a second former with an overall average of 96.8
  2. Ms Keya Royer (2nd) 96%- a first former
  3. Mr Jye Henry (3rd) 94% – a first former.

At this ceremony, Mrs. Challenger also announced that the school has gained an overall pass rate of 90% at the July CSEC exams.

  1. Mr. Kenzo Royer – the school’s top performer was successful in all 14 subjects for which he registered gaining 11-grade ones, 2-grade twos and one grade three.
  2. Mr. Orohn Dodds also passed all 14 subjects for which he registered gaining 10-grade ones and 4-grade twos.

Of the 50 candidates who did the exams, 43 of them gained 5 and more subjects – 6 gained 10 subjects, 7 nine subjects. The average for English was 98% and the school gained above 90% in 15 of the 19 subjects for which they entered candidates.

Mrs. Challenger again echoed the fact that the two top performers at the 2020 CSEC exams were boys. She encouraged all to continue to strive for academic excellence in a spiritually charged environment – this is the motto of the school.

Arthur Waldron SDA Academy continues along its quest for academic excellence in a spiritually charged environment as it molds young minds to make a meaningful contribution to today’s and tomorrow’s societies.


This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

Arthur Waldron Seventh-day Adventist Academy
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