Twenty Fishermen Acquire Certification to Construct Resilient Boats

Twenty fishermen acquire certification to construct resilient boats. The fishermen completed a 3-day training put together by the Project Implementation Unit of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries.
The unit manager, Kervin Stephenson, said the training was to improve the skills of current boat builders in constructing resilient boats and not necessarily to teach the basics of boat building.
Stephenson said the newly certified resilient boat builders will be awarded contracts to construct more boats for the fishing industry. He said the quality of the boats they constructed is top-notch, and that they are safe for navigating the waters and for fishing purposes. He added that the boats were constructed against a checklist of requirements to ensure that the quality is not compromised.
The unit manager noted that certified boat builders will be monitored by the government to ensure that the quality of boats they build over time retain the required quality. He said there are standards that must be adhered to make the boats safe for use.
Derrick Menezes, an architect and professional boat builder was the consultant. He said he is happy that participants at the workshop understood the complexities of boat construction and also understood the objectives for which they are constructed. He said he had taught boat building in many countries but many people are slow to comprehend the dynamics involved.
“The nice thing about Dominica is that all of you are users of those boats so you understand the complexities, strengths and weaknesses. In the long run, this is going to make a big difference in the quality of boats in Dominica,” Menezes said.
Participants also expressed their delight to be part of the programme, and they said their new skills and continued expertise would be of immense benefits to the fishing sector and the entire Dominica as a whole.
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