UWP Calls for Democracy, Transparency, and Accountability: Join the March for Change

The United Workers’ Party (UWP) is deeply committed to the welfare of the Dominican people and the enhancement of good governance practices in our beloved nation. With a firm belief in the right of every citizen to have a say in matters that impact their well-being, the UWP is pleased to invite the public to join us in a peaceful march and meeting scheduled for Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023. The marchers will assemble on the Portersville Savanah from noon and will commence marching at 1:00 p.m. to end underneath the “Arch” at 3:00 p.m. The UWP will commence a Public Meeting immediately after the march.
By letter dated August 11th, 2023, the Chief of Police has granted permission to the UWP to march from 1 pm and assemble for a meeting thereafter at 3 pm. The approved route is: ‘Assemble at the Portersville Savannah, marchers will move in a southerly direction along the Goodwill Road onto the E.C. Loblack Bridge onto Independence Street, east along King George V Street, north along Bath Road, west along Hillsborough Street, south along Independence Street, along Constitutional Hill, west along Turkey Lane, north along Victoria Street to the Dame Eugenia Charles Boulevard, east along King George V Street, north along Great George Street, east along River Bank to culminate at the Arch.’
The UWP, as the organizing body, extends this invitation to all citizens, irrespective of political affiliations, who share our concern for a democratic, transparent, and accountable Dominica to attend this march and public meeting. The main objectives of this march and meeting are to advocate for:
Electoral Reform: The UWP firmly believes in the importance of a free and fair electoral process that is devoid of fear and intimidation. We call for comprehensive electoral reform that ensures the rights of all citizens to participate in the democratic process without hindrance.
Transparency and Accountability: The UWP demands the full disclosure and public discussion of all Memoranda of Understanding (MOUs) signed by the government on behalf of the people of Dominica. Transparency is vital to uphold the principles of good governance and ensure that decisions are made in the best interest of our nation.
Enhanced Health System: We recognize the urgency of a well-staffed and adequately budgeted health system to safeguard the health and well-being of our citizens. The UWP advocates for the improvement of healthcare facilities and services, providing a higher quality of care to all Dominicans.
Preservation of National Treasures: Our national heritage, including treasures like the Botanical Gardens, holds historical and cultural significance. The UWP pledges to preserve these assets for current and future generations, recognizing their importance in maintaining our unique identity.
Resource Diversification and Economic Growth: The UWP emphasizes the necessity of diversifying our resources and growth engines to generate increased job opportunities for our youth. We are committed to an economy that ensures the people of Dominica are the primary beneficiaries of government-initiated investments.
A refined and transparent CBI Vetting process that will protect the citizenry from harsh global restrictions like that imposed by the UK which took away our privilege of visa-free entry into the United Kingdom due to the “operation of a citizenship by investment [CBI] scheme that has shown clear and evident abuse of the scheme, including the granting of citizenship to individuals known to pose a risk to the UK”.
For all these stated reasons and many others …The UWP encourages all citizens to join us in solidarity on August 23rd, as we come together to amplify our collective voice and demand positive change for our nation’s future. Let us stand united, transcending political boundaries, to uphold the values of democracy, transparency, and the well-being of all Dominicans. It is time to create a Dominica that puts Dominicans first.
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