
UWP Candidate Rosana Emmanuel Urges Dominicans to Send the DLP Packing

The United Workers Party candidate for Petite Savanna constituency, Rosana Emmanuel, has urged Dominicans to send the DLP packing in the coming general elections. Emmanuel made this call because of her perceived frustration with the present administration and her displeasure with PM Skerrit’s utterances about opposition leader Lennox Linton.

In the heat of the coming polls, leaders of both the UWP and DLP have been throwing muds at one another, with observers saying this is a new low in Dominican politics. The polity is heating up, with Skerrit accusing Linton of ignorance and illiteracy; while Linton alleges that the Skerrit administration had embezzled CBI funds.

But UWP hopeful Emmanuel, known by some people as the “Blooming Rose” said it ought not to come to this.

“This is a man who’s committed to the cause,” Emmanuel said. “The Lennox I know brought back millions of dollars into our treasury. The Lennox I know now is even asking, ‘where is the money gone to?’ If it wasn’t for the Lennox I know, God knows where Dominica will be today. And it’s just amazing that a man who is full of commitment and passionate about making our country the best place to live, work and enjoy life is being assassinated like this.”

According to Emmanuel, “A week ago, we rededicated Dominica to God; and how can we have shifted attention from God in only one week? That scenario that cannot happen and the people of Dominica have to give this people a resounding rejection at the polls.” 

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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RasTa Joe

Knowing thyself, Embracing the truth, loving thy fellow man. I am a thinker, an Artist, Community Servant, Chef, and Athlete, but Above all, I am a Dominican First. Hell will freeze over before I compromise my ideals.

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