
UWP’s Dr. Worrel Sanford development Plan for Salybia

My people, After much deliberation, my family and I have decided that I should heed the call from the numerous persons who have called or met me personally and openly expressed their hope and confidence in me to come back on the leadership scene in the community to be a voice for the voiceless, hope for those in despair and a reason to believe that as a people, as a community, and as a country, we can be better!

Indeed, the parliament is the highest decision making body in the land and the decisions taken can have far reaching implications on generations to come, even the unborn child. Therefore, selecting persons to represent you at this level cannot be a gamble nor based on handouts or a few hundred dollars. You and I have seen the result of this approach including the economic doldrum in which we have found ourselves during the past nineteen years.

The level of representation which we need going forward calls for all of us to think hard of our future wellbeing, not based on instant gratification and dependence on others as this decision will determine what type of education your children will have, whether you or your loved ones will die in a hospital that is understaffed and poorly equipped lacking even the most basic medication while the close associates of the Labour Party are flown overseas by helicopter for health care which should be available in our country.

It will decide whether you as a hard working man or woman will find the enabling environment to grow and be productive or whether you will be trapped in a communist-style society or like crabs in a barrel where one person is in charge and you have to continue lining up like groveling chickens to be fed at the whims and fancy of a selected few. It will decide whether you as a proud and dignified young man or woman have to continue toiling under NEP to care for yourself and family with a disgraceful monthly pay of EC$600.00 a month!

Can you support yourself, build yourself a home, save for the future and provide for your family on ES$20.00 a day?

This article is copyright © 2019 DOM767

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One Comment

  1. The Question is will he jump over to the DLP. The DLP has a real skill in turning over UWP so-called patriots over to their side. UWP ain’t gonna win, but Sanford has potential. They might wait and see if he build enough momentum and then offer him a deal to switch.

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