
We Do Not Need Permission to Walk the Streets of Dominica – Atherton Tells Chief of Police

Social activist Atherton Martin has told Chief of Police Daniel Carbon that “we do not need permission to walk the streets of Dominica”. Martin made it clear that all Dominicans are guaranteed the constitutional and human rights to be able to walk from Point A to B without harassment in the country.

The interaction between Martin and the police authorities played out after a set of individuals drawn from the private sector and civil organizations planned a peaceful walk for March 30. The group of persons called themselves “We the People” and stated on March 28 that the “Enough is Enough” walk will be held in Roseau every Wednesday from 10 am to 12 pm.

CP Carbon reacted to the news of the planned walk by stating that his office must approve of any public walk, march, or protest under current laws. He said his office has not received any requests for a planned walk or protest for Wednesday, March 30.

Let me inform the general public, that the Chief of Police has not received any request to hold a walk in the City of Roseau. The law makes provision as to how any walk, march, or protest action can be held lawfully. The Chief of Police by law is authorized to give permission for these activities. Persons wishing to have a march, walk, or protest action must apply to the Chief of Police.

Daniel Carbon, Chief of Police

In his response, Martin said that private consultations with legal experts revealed no requests to walk the streets of Dominica is required under the Public Order Act or any acts in the country.

We do not and have not requested permission from the police for anything. If they are idle and have nothing else to do, I understand, but we don’t need permission. We have not requested permission. We will walk the streets of our capital city tomorrow. We do not need permission to walk the streets of Dominica.

Atherton Martin, Social activist

The social activist and agronomist reiterated that the planned walk will commence at Prevost Cinemall and that people will march from one point to another after saying their take-off prayers. He said public messages will be delivered to the people at each point and that the marchers will be informed of the next point to walk to after reaching a particular destination.

He noted that no one will drive or ride, but everyone will walk and that marchers will walk on sidewalks and not necessarily on roads.

This article is copyright © 2022 DOM767

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I am Dominican, I am a Mother and a product of this beautiful Nature Island of the WORLD. I believe in this government of ours as they toil tirelessly to build a better, brighter, stronger Dominica for all. Trust me, BARBARA is all you are going to get, so just mind me!!!

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