Wife of Joshua Francis has re-filed a divorce petition against her husband Joshua Francis mere days after she withdrew a first one that was filed.
According to court documents filed, Hedda Dyer-Francis the Petitioner on the 26th October, 2017 the Respondent (Francis) had “a mental breakdown or psychiatric episode which placed her in further morbid fear for her safety and that of the minor children.”
She claims that Francis’ unstable mental condition makes him “a danger to her and the minor children.”
Dyer-Francis in her documents said that acting out of concern for the Respondent she did make the necessary arrangements for the Respondent to receive psychiatric attention overseas. “The Petitioner has been placed in such grave and acute fear for her life and safety and the life and safety of the minor children that on 27th October, 2017 she had no option but to accept the very first opportunity for a job offer out of Dominica,” she said.
She is also asking the court for maintenance for the children since she now resides in Barbados and has custody of the children who are attending school in Barbados.
When contacted Francis who is a lawyer by profession denied all the allegations contained in the petition and expressed shock that the documents are being circulated and he is yet to be served.
I am shocked to see those things contained in the documents that I am yet to be served and it is being circulated on social media…I have never abused by wife.
Joshua Francis
He has vowed to vigorously defend his name and also challenge the statements in the petition. Lennox Lawrence is representing Hedda Dyer-Francis in the matter.
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