
Work and Business post COVD-19

We thank you for your positive comments on Issue #6, which addressed the issue of Resilience. Before we delve into the topic of this week, we take a minute to stand in solidarity with the family of George Floyd and all who face systemic racism, discrimination and disregard for black lives. We hope that just as COVID-19 has irreversibly changed our lives all over the world, that George Floyd’s murder will serve as the catalyst to lead to a worldwide dismantling of systemic racism and discrimination and lead to respect for black lives and all lives facing racism and discrimination. This week we explore the topic, “Work and Business Post COVID-19.”

Ken Adach (April 24, 2020), Partner and CMO, Chief Outsiders[4], suggests three steps to prepare for work Post COVID-19:

  1. Debrief – meet with staff to discuss the impact of COVID-19 and the necessary changes
  2. Gather Insight – Don’t assume anything. He directs that companies should, “Lead with empathy and not competence,” and companies should ask clients and customers, how they can help, rather than stating what they can do.
  3. Re-Plan – COVID-19 requires forward-thinking, new strategies and re-planning on many fronts.

Adach reminds companies that it is, “Important to remember that customers buy value, and value comes from meeting their needs, in their words and actions.” He assures that if companies focus on value, revenue and profit will take care of themselves.

We, at VF Inc, are planning our return to our Office. COVID-19 saw the placing on hold of a number of assignments, as our clients grappled with making adjustments due to COVID-19. This provided the time and space to examine all facets of our business, thus providing a clarity of purpose which has guided and will continue to guide our decisions. This clarity of purpose has energised us, such that we feel like it’s a new beginning; an opportunity to solidify our position as one of the leading consultancy firms in  the Caribbean – with global reach.

This article is copyright © 2020 DOM767

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VF Inc.

VF Inc. was incorporated on March 9, 2006 as a private limited liability company. The mission of VF Inc. is to deliver solutions to the business community and individuals with integrity and excellence to enhance their productivity and performance. We also provide special services and programs aimed at the individual focusing on personal development and financial independence.

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