HealthPress Release

Young Persons Encouraged to do their Part During this Pandemic

We have all been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, one way or another. Many have echoed that discrimination has not been evidenced during this pandemic, the age spectrum, gender or even class – despite where we sit, we are all prone to the effects of this virus. What is paramount to draw attention to, is that for persons with underlying conditions and the older persons with whom many of us youth frequent or live with, higher risks are associated. Therefore as a precursor to the pointers on what to do as a young person in Dominica, in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the most important and urgent step is to be rational, to exercise calm and reason in all situations.

We need to demonstrate leadership in our communities and in our country. COVID-19 is not the only disease spreading around the world and our country in a viral manner, we’re also exposed to greater amounts of “fake news”. It is necessary that we use social media and the apps which we have at our fingertips, to spread accurate information that can display trusted knowledge which we can interact with daily, to keep us safe against COVID-19. More importantly, we all need to be more vigilant in our daily living practices and abide by the health and safety guidelines.

Ashma McDougall, President of the NYCD

The general divide has drawn greater attention and increased awareness of mental health – our generation is one which is more prone to speaking about mental health and strives to embrace strategies that can champion mental wellness. We have to be more sensitive and creative in the activities we engage in, to address stress and depression.

While we understand that persons have different coping mechanisms to grapple situations, common in our society is humour or even ridicule to disengage from the COVID related anxiety. While psychologists may suggest that laughter is the best medicine, our grandparents have often warned us of what follows laughter – “crying”.

Chairman of the General-Assembly of the NYCD, Ashfred Norris, urges the General Membership of the council to be responsible and assist in whatever way possible to restore their communities.

We once again have unfortunately found ourselves at this juncture but let me assure you that all hope is not lost. As young people let us do all that’s within our power to protect our communities. Reach out to your local government or to aid agencies to see how you can help – whether it’s by volunteering or by being the voice of reason and sharing the right information and dispelling misinformation. Let us do our part.

Ashfred Norris, Chairman of the General-Assembly of the NYCD

Solidarity will provide an opportunity for the sharing of correct information, and this can help to minimize the potential for panic. The NYCD will launch a social media campaign to influence other youth to engage in helpful behavior changes such as social distancing and self-isolation. It is important that we start applying practically in our daily living and use this as an opportunity for self-growth and development.

It is imperative that we as Dominicans remain vigilant at this time. Now is not a time to cast blame but a time to respond to the call to action and do our own parts to curb the spread. Scientific evidence has proven that vaccination has contributed significantly to the cause, and that to me is promising. I, therefore, implore all youth who have not yet been vaccinated to go to your nearest health centre and do so today.

Phael Lander, First Vice President

We need young people’s leadership now more than ever. Most of all, in doing all of this, stay healthy and stay safe. Listen to Health Authorities. Stay alert and keep a calm open mind.

This article is copyright © 2021 DOM767

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National Youth Council of Dominica

Inaugurated on 11 April 1970, the National Youth Council of Dominica has a long history of supporting, promoting, and sustaining a tradition of youth development, youth empowerment, and youth involvement. Through this history, combined with our continued support of youth participation on all levels and sectors of society, we announced the First Annual Youth Recognition Awards in 2006.

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