Questions and Answers (Q&A) Network Guidelines

Our Questions & Answers (Q&A) is a peer-to-peer network for users (and the general public) to ask questions about Dominica to the experts on that subject matter, Dominicans. Users contribute answers that can be fact-checked, with the best answer being selected by the questioner (in their absence, the administrator).

To submit answers to the Q&A network, you’ll first need to create an account. Your Q&A network account is connected to your DOM767 account which connects you to all other services on our website; you can also login using your social media accounts.

DOM767 Q&A is a space for sharing knowledge that is; forgotten, hard-to-find and often inaccurate about Dominica and it’s linked topics. It’s also the definitive space for fact-based information about the country. We encourage you to be open and clear about what you’re trying to achieve when seeking answers. While DOM767 moderates this network, almost all activity comes from the DOM767 user community, which is self-moderated.

The Dominica Government and Discover Dominica Authority (DDA) websites should generally be your first points of contact for information about Dominica. Our network fills in the gaps for everything else.

Ground Rules For Questions

  • Be specific. Clearly explain your question. Vague questions or general opinions are difficult to answer and will likely be closed.
  • Avoid conjecture & open-ended Questions. Avoid questions which the intent is just for debate, these will be closed immediately and probably be deleted.
  • Be positive and respectful: DOM767 Q&A is a judgment-free space for users and the public (that includes; students, potential visitors, etc.). Posts that are negative or critical of other users will be removed. Continued negative posts can lead to suspension of your Q&As account.

Ground Rules For Answers

  • The DOM767 community has complete control over the content on Answers. We don’t decide on Answers. You do. Answers are collaboratively managed by people just like you. 
  • Accepting answers: A questioner once they’ve received answer(s) must select the one that satisfies their question. Only the questioner can do this.
  • ACCEPTED Answers must be factual: All answers must have an empirical footprint; reference, authority, accepted voice, etc.

Q&A Terms of Service

The following behaviors violate DOM767 Q&A policies and will result in the removal of the post and possible suspension from the forum:

  • Harassment or bullying
  • Spam
  • Malicious or illegal activity

Reporting Issues

To report a user or post that violates our community policies, click the gear icon in the bottom-left corner of the post and select flag: